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About our Policies


Our current policy with respect to PD Products and Pistol Dynamics is available on the 'File Share' page accessible here. The file name is PD Terms_Pre 2020.pdf and can be read on line or downloaded. This policy pertains to orders entered prior to January 1, 2023. A newly revised policy going forward from that date will be uploaded once we begin accepting orders for our 2023 product offerings  which will be introduced transitionally throughout the year.


Please note that the firearms images on this web site specifically under 'PISTOLS (Legacy)' are essentially documentary in nature and represent a cross section of custom handguns built by Paul Liebenberg over time.  They are predominantly one-off handguns and do not necessarily represent product and features that will be available for future sale.   Please keep checking back on our 'PISTOLS 2023' products going forward




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